organic marketing
Updated: | Content Marketing vincent d'eletto wordagents ceo Vincent D'Eletto

There's no denying that digital marketing is vital to the success of your business in 2021.

Gone are the days of traditional, surface-level online advertising methods. These days, businesses find themselves utilizing a growing number of online technologies and strategies to reach their customers and boost online traffic. 

When it comes to connecting with your target audiences, organic marketing is one of the best strategies you can use

While it’s true that every business should use both organic and paid marketing, if you're just starting out on a budget, organic marketing is a great high-impact, low-cost strategy for growing your business and promoting your products and services. 

If you haven't dipped your toes in organic marketing yet, there's no better time to start than now. Today, we'll talk about the definition of organic marketing, its benefits, and some tactics to leverage its impact to better promote the growth of your business.

What is Organic Marketing?

Organic Marketing is an umbrella term for a natural and value-based marketing strategy used to drive website traffic, generate leads, and increase conversion rates. Organic marketing campaigns involve tactics that cost-effectively generate business over time.

Organic marketing refers to any strategy where you don't directly spend money on advertising (i.e., the “paid” approach). 

The primary goals of organic marketing are to establish an emotional connection with the target audience, earn their trust, and build long-term business relationships. To be specific, an organic strategy mainly focuses on your sales funnel's "awareness" phase.

There are several ways to supercharge your organic marketing efforts, but the essential ones are:

  • Search engine optimization (SEO)
  • Social media posts
  • Natural link building
  • Content marketing and inbound marketing (i.e., blog content, guest posts, etc.)
  • Email marketing
  • User-generated content

It's worth noting that the term "organic" doesn't necessarily mean "free." You're still investing money in the tools and software that you will use.

Unlike paid advertising methods like pay-per-click (PPC) that can generate immediate traffic, organic marketing is a long-term process, and it can take months before you can see the significant results.

4 Benefits of Organic Marketing

A fully realized organic marketing plan is a game-changer and can provide your business with the following benefits.

Helps Build Brand Authority

According to an infographic by Invesp, 59% of consumers prefer to purchase from brands that they trust. Establishing brand authority and trust isn't something that's going to happen just because you throw some money around. 

Brand authority is the marketers' holy grail, and you build it through hard work and consistency over the long-term.

Having brand authority means that your business carries an invaluable distinction or status that influences the opinions of your prospective customers. Strong branding also means focusing on your product's unique value, making you an authority on the matter.

Brand authority is also a significant factor that influences your organic search ranking in Google.

When you engage in an organic marketing strategy like content writing, you're positioning your brand as a credible source by producing authoritative posts. Regular production of fresh and compelling content makes all the difference in gaining the trust of your customers.

Improves Audience Engagement

One of the primary goals any marketing strategy is to establish an authentic relationship with consumers. Whether you're promoting a new product, solving problems, or answering questions, organic marketing tactics are excellent tools to educate your audience and drive engagement.

The best way to improve engagement and turn visitors into bonafide leads is to interact directly with your audience and build a community. That's why social media networks like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn are excellent platforms for brands to drive customer engagement.

For the best results, you should look to post comments, answer questions, reply to reviews, promote links, and publish micro-content via your preferred social media channels.

Is Cost Efficient

The main difference between organic and paid marketing strategies is that while the latter can quickly generate visibility for your business, it can also get very expensive, very quickly.

On the flip side, an organic strategy is a cost-effective way to develop your brand voice, boost website traffic, and improve engagement rates. Again, just because organic marketing is different from paid advertising, it doesn't mean that you won't be investing valuable resources.

In fact, time is likely to be your most significant investment with respect to organic marketing.

Whether you're looking to increase brand awareness or build an authentic community through social media, a certain level of time commitment is non-negotiable.

And yet, if you're willing to invest time and a little bit of effort into developing a holistic approach to organic digital marketing, you should have no problem meeting your sales goals and scaling your business while keeping your marketing spend at a minimum. 

Drives Organic Visibility

Developing a robust organic strategy is an excellent way to get your business noticed in today’s all-digital-all-the-time environment.

As mentioned earlier, there's no fast track to results. 

However, once you get the traffic performance you're looking for, it's highly likely that you've got it for life. A fully realized organic marketing campaign has the potential to create permanent traffic sources that widen your reach and drive organic visibility for your site.

Industry blog posts, guest posts, and social media updates that link to your site are some examples of permanent sources that are discoverable through search. Organic tactics convince search engines that your website or content provides value and is relevant to what searchers are looking for.

This is why organic marketing takes time.

Moreover, an organic strategy can help generate word-of-mouth marketing as people will visit your website to see what the other customers are saying about your brand. According to a Brightlocal survey, 87% of consumers believe that a positive reputation is a winning advantage to any business.

Overall, organic marketing is a series of sustained marketing efforts that build on the milestones you’ve previously achieved. Your efforts and investments in the first few months can continually generate organic traffic and bring customers for many years to come.

6 Strategies for Building an Organic Marketing Strategy

Now, let's take a closer look at some of the best practices for shaping your organic marketing campaigns:

1. Focus on Evergreen Content

SEO-optimized content is critical to keeping a higher search engine ranking and reaching your target audience. To have a high ranking in Google's search results, you need content that retains its value over time. How do you create blogs and articles with sustainable value?

The answer is evergreen content.

Evergreen refers to content that stays "fresh" and relevant and maintains its value long after its publication date. Many people think anything published online is considered evergreen - this not the case.

For example, if you publish an article titled "A Guide to the Top Marketing Strategies of 2020," it will only be relevant for the year 2020

As more time passes, fewer people will be compelled to read it, and that's the opposite of value retention. The biggest advantage of evergreen content is that businesses can repurpose it and share it as though it's brand new.

Evergreen content comes in a wide variety of formats, including blog posts, infographics, white papers, videos, case studies, tutorials, guides, landing pages, frequently asked questions (FAQ), industry resources, etc.

2. Optimize Your Content With SEO in Mind

For many people, search engine optimization is the first thing that comes to mind when you talk about organic marketing. Although there are many aspects to organic marketing strategies, search optimization is arguably the most important.

Search optimized content isn't just any content; it needs to be high-quality, unique, and beneficial to your visitors. For example, writing original content that approaches a topic from a different perspective or delivers more value than other similar pieces can do wonders for ranking your blog post.

To optimize content for SEO, there are a few fundamentals you should know:

  • Length - Longer posts (1000+ words) tend to rank better in search engines.
  • Readability - Google prefers to rank websites with content that is easy to understand.
  • Tone of voice - Keep a consistent tone of voice in your blogs.
  • Formatting - Use headlines, bullet points, and images to streamline navigation.
  • Links - Link to other pages on your website and other high-authority sources.

The most critical element of search optimized content is the keyword.

Keywords tell search engines what your content is all about. Keywords also tell you precisely what topics to write about. Keyword research can help marketers discover exactly what their target audience is looking for and, consequently, write posts that offer solutions to their search queries.

3. Develop Engaging and Value-Driven Content

To create value-driven content, you must understand the goals, dreams, passions, and challenges of your target audiences.

  • What are their most common struggles?
  • What are they looking to solve?
  • What's stopping them from achieving their goal?

Understanding your relationship to a prospect's goals is critical as it empowers you to provide valuable content that ties back to the product or service you offer. Plus, producing purpose-driven content helps you position your organization as a subject matter expert.

Also, good content means that your pieces must have good grammar and spelling. Engaging your visitors becomes a tall order when your blog posts are full of spelling and grammatical errors. The strategic use of visuals can also make your assets look more eye-catching, compelling, and professional.

4. Improve Your Visibility with White Hat Links

Backlinks are critical for building your website's authority and generating site traffic. One of the best ways to develop your backlink profile is through the use of white hat SEO techniques.

"White hat" refers to practices that abide by Google’s Webmaster Guidelines and take an ethical approach to improving organic visibility and rankings. One such strategy is to build backlinks via guest posting or guest blogging.

Another white hat strategy for link building is to use contextual links. These are relevant links that are found within the body of a piece of content. Contextual links can help bring awareness to your website, provide a significant boost to your credibility via high-authority sources, and boost the overall effectiveness of your marketing campaigns.

For more information on white hat SEO, check out this great guide from Brian Dean at Backlinko.

5. Optimize Your Content for Mobile Devices

About 54% of the overall internet traffic comes from mobile devices. It only makes sense then that you optimize your web pages and content for an ideal mobile user experience.

Do you think mobile users will have the patience to navigate a poorly optimized website that loads slowly and doesn't display correctly? Mobile optimization is all about providing the best user experience possible so people are compelled to stay on your website and not go to a competitor.

Furthermore, mobile optimization is now a must Google’s recent move to mobile-first indexing. With most people now running search queries via their mobile devices, Google has shifted how they index and rank content to prioritize mobile optimization over desktop.

Some of the hallmark qualities of a mobile-optimized experience include:

  • 100% responsive design
  • Fast page load speeds
  • Larger buttons
  • Compressed images
  • Auto-filling forms
  • Location auto-detection
  • Ability to checkout as guest
  • Multiple screens instead of scrolling

In today's on-the-go and mobile-first world, organic traffic will only continue to depend on mobile browsing. As such, optimizing your content for mobile technology is crucial to targeting a wider audience and maximizing organic traffic.

6. Don't Forget About Social Media

Today, social media is more than just a platform for digital connections and conversations - it's a channel for businesses to increase customer acquisition and engage their followers. Being active on social media is a solid approach to get your organic marketing strategies going.

Before making an account on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, make sure that you commit to staying active on them. An inactive social media platform paints an unprofessional picture that could actually be detrimental to your business.

Therefore, ensure that you regularly post updates, leave comments, reply to comments, answer questions, retweet, reshare, etc. Show interest in your followers, and they will return the favor. Some companies even partner with influencers to promote their content.

Social media marketing provides an organic way to establish a real relationship with your target audience and boost engagement.

Organic Marketing is Here to Stay

As the owner of a business in 2021, organic marketing should absolutely form a core part of your overall digital marketing strategy.

However, keep in mind that it can take a long time before you taste success from your efforts, especially if your business is relatively new. Commit to investing your time, be dedicated, and stay consistent. Use the tactics we've outlined above to create a strategy that meets your brand's needs.

vincent d'eletto wordagents ceo Vincent D'Eletto

Hey, I'm Vin. Founder and CEO of I create content that ranks really well on search engines for our clients. I'm also deeply involved with the SEO community; maintaining a portfolio of successful, profitable affiliate websites. You can find me playing guitar, drinking scotch, and hanging out with my German Shorthaired Pointer when I'm not working!

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